The German Embassy's small scale projects fund
What is a Small Scale Project?
The Small Scale Project Scheme is part of Germany’s overall development co-operation that contributes to poverty alleviation and the improvement of living standards, especially in rural areas. To be eligible for support by the German Embassy, project proposals have to fulfil certain conditions:
The implementing agency must be an experienced, qualified and reliable organisation, preferably a non-governmental organization (NGO) or a Trust, officially registered. The implementing agency has to contribute financially to the project and be in a position to finance follow-up/ running costs
What does the German Embassy finance?
The German Embassy only supports projects that can be completed within one year. A project cannot be funded if it has been supported by the German Embassy or by any other German development organisation before. Funds are allocated to non-political and nongovernmental groups only. Maximum funding is 10,000.-USD.
Project Examples: construction of a classroom, renovation of maternity ward, installation of solar power
Not eligible for funding are personnel/ administrative/ running costs, micro credits, seminars, workshops, labour and transport costs.
If your proposal fulfils these requirements, you may wish to proceed as follows:
- Send a written application to the German Embassy describing your project in detail:
- objective of the project,
- the local situation in your community;
- the difference which the contribution would make;
- background to your organisation;
- time frame of the project and complete financial overview;
- own contribution of your community towards this project;
- copy of I.D.’s of the members responsible for the project
- permissions from the local authorities.
- The Embassy will receive your application and decide whether your project can be supported. Please note that due to the high number of applicants only complete applications can be considered.
- If your project proposal is approved by the German Embassy, you will have to provide two quotations from separate dealers in your region precisely stating the items and the total amount of money that is needed to realise the project. Make sure that the validity period of the quotation is mentioned. After that, a written agreement will be signed by the German Embassy and your community. This contract reaffirms to the suppliers that the German Embassy will secure the payment as agreed in the contract.
- The Embassy is free to visit your project at any time. Once completed, you have to present the original invoices proving that the funds have been used in the way agreed and write a report.
- Please note: you have to inform the Embassy immediately if it becomes apparent that the intended purpose cannot be achieved or is not attainable with the allocation received (e.g. because of increase of prizes).
- In case you have not finished the project in the way agreed, you will have to repay the granted amount of money. The same obligation arises if the intended purpose of the project is not achieved or if any conditions of the contract are violated.
If you have any further questions please contact the Programme Officer at the German Embassy or phone the Embassy at 308 655 or 308 656.