Legalization, certification and authentification of signatures

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Certification of signatures
By certifying a signature, the consular officer confirms that the person indicated in the document was physically present and signed it in front of him or her. It is a simple form of authenticating a signature.
Following a change in the law, the German missions will no longer be able to carry out identity checks in connection with opening a bank account, taking out a loan and similar purposes. Please ask your bank for further information. The legalisation department is only allowed to certify your signature if you are a student applying for a visa for Germany and need to open a blocked account.
For the certification of a signature, please bring:
- your valid passport
- the document to be signed
The fee for the certification of a signature is dependent on the purpose of the certification as well as the value of the matter and can vary between the USD equivalent of 15 to 250 Euros, payable in USD CASH ONLY.
Certified Copies
For certified copies, please bring:
- the original documents,
The current fee for the certification of each photocopy is the USD equivalent of 23,22 Euros depending on the exchange rate (app. 26 US $) payable in USD CASH ONLY.
A fee waiver may be applicable for the first set of copies if you are applying to study at a German University (please bring the application letter).
Foreign documents or certificates are often only recognized by the authorities of a state if their authenticity and evidentiary value has been determined by a special procedure. A range of internationally accepted procedures has been developed for this purpose. In most cases, documents which are to be used in legal procedures in Germany have to be proven authentic through means of either an „Apostille“ or legalization.
An „Apostille“ is a certificate of authenticity issued by a designated authority in a contracting state to The Hague Convention on Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents of 5 October 1961. Zimbabwe, unlike Germany, is not a contracting state to this convention. Thus „Apostilles“ cannot be issued for Zimbabwean documents; they need to be legalized before being submitted to German authorities.
The Embassy can legalize Zimbabwean personal documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, non-marriage certificate etc. only if they have been certified by the Zimbabwean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
For any enquiry, Contact the Director for Legal and Consular:
Pearl House, cnr 1st Street/Samora Machel Avenue , Harare
Telephones: + 263-242-780878
E mail: legalconsular@gmail.com
As soon as the original document has been certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs it can be submitted to the Embassy by appointment only. The Embassy will need up to 7 working days to legalize it. Please note that for legalization the original has to be stamped, therefore the document should not be laminated.
Please note that if you are not able to attend the appointment, you may authorize someone or a lawyer to attend the appointment on your behalf to submit the documents for legalization. The authorized person should carry an authorization letter signed by you and a passport/ID at the time of the appointment.
The current fee for the legalization is the USD equivalent of 28.45 Euros per document payable in USD CASH ONLY depending on the exchange rate (app. 33 US $). Kindly note that we kindly bring as close to this amount as possible as change may not be available.
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To book an appointment, please click on this link!
Appointment Booking System for Legalizations, Certifications and Authentification of Signatures