Translation Services

Adressbuch, © colourbox
The Embassy cannot translate documents or certify translations.
This is a list of translators known to the Embassy. The Embassy can give no guarantee for the content, quality or cost of translations. Inclusion on the list does not mean that the Embassy recognises these translators in any special way.
Please check with the German agency which is to receive the translation whether a translation made in Zimbabwe will be recognised in Germany.
Name | Languages | Contact Details |
Goethe-Zentrum/Zimbabwe-German Society | German, English | 51 Lawson Avenue Milton Park, Harare Tel.: 796 836 or 705 753 Cell: 0773 222 314 E-mail: info@goetheharare.org |
Baobab Languages (Pvt) Ltd. | German, English | Suite 3 Fanum House, AA Building L.Takawira Ave., Bulawayo Cell: 0773 000 263 or 0776 435 605 E-mail: careaupair@gmx.de bhebe@gmx.de |
Ms. Kirsten Lung | German, English | Freelance translator (technical) 15 Rocklands Rd. |
The Embassy can give no guarantee for the content, quality or cost of translations.